Tuesday, 24 February 2009

What to do?...

I have recently realised I'm not very good at this Blogging thing; I don't post regularly and most people wouldn't give a damn about what I write about.... but I will try anyway..

Problem no.1: I dont have a topic for this post
Problem no.2: After I find a topic i have to find a title...

OK.... Topic.... Whining N00Bs..
I don't really like people who brag about things they can do (or have done) and then, when challenged, fail miserably; but I really hate the people that, when challenged, find some stupid excuse not to even try. These both really irritate me, especially in online gaming (such as Halo 1 or Warcraft 3), it seems that the ranks of Whining N00Bs are expanding exponentially, every time I go online I encounter more of them...


Problem No.2 has, rather obviously, been solved.