Thursday, 13 September 2007

Negelct and Camp!

AGAIN I'm soooo sorry I have been neglecting you, this will (hopefully) be a reasonably long post to make up for it.

Firstly: Camp, We went to Lake Bennett for school camp, about 60 of us were there, 20 guys and 40 girls (yes, we made the most of this) and 3 teachers. There was a number of thing to do on camp. (OK not that much really).

There was Archery (which i excelled at), Rock climbing (at which I didn't excel but did OK at), canoing (at which, with a good partner or a kayak paddle, am am also pretty good). And last of all there was some stupid 'Olympic' thing (OK, not that bad, it included a ginger beer sculling contest)

There were some minor dramas: Steven, Jarred and some other guy got kicked off camp after the first night. They had brought a 3/4 full Listerine bottle of Schnapps and got, well... best not to describe it in full detail.


They got them selves caught and they should have done it on the last day when it doesn't matter if they get kicked out because they are leaving anyway.

Overall I would rate this camp 6 out of 10. Not bad, but Yr 7 camp still is way out in front!

OK, on news slightly closer to home. Bball we have won every game and are getting 2 new players from some other team (now we have 10 players) ) -`: We have also won all of our games for more info go to the DBA website (U 16's div 2: Warriors)

In wheel chair we are doing well, but not perfectly, we have lost a few games, last game we won by 2 points, close game that was, and I got a blister.

OK : this is a list of thing i want:
1: Broadband Unlimited
2: Guild Wars
3: A new graphics card to play Guild Wars (as well as the broadband)
4: Halo 3 and an Xbox 360 to play it on.
5: A million dollars while I'm at it.....
Well thats all folks!

Skywalker out!


Missy said...

Good ratio that. Well, not for the girls.

How come I never went to Lake Bennett for camp? We went to Talc Head tho.

I'm glad they're preparing you for college (sculling).

I wanna play basketball. Right now.

Sorry, already picked your Christmas present and it's none of those. Not even the last one. Shocking, I know.

Skywalker said...
